
What to Write in a Card for Baby Arrival

Housewarming Card

It's always exciting when someone you know moves in to a new home. Whether it's a young person settling in to their very first apartment or a family moving to a bigger house with room to grow, you can share in their excitement with a housewarming card or note that offers warm words of congratulations on their new place.

You've got lots of great message options when it comes to signing a housewarming card. In fact, it's such a happy occasion that it's hard to go wrong. If you need a few ideas to help you get started, read on. We've got tips and message examples that look at housewarming from different angles to help you zero in on what you most want to say.

Whatever you write in your housewarming card, you can feel great about celebrating along with someone who has just found a new place to live, laugh, dream, grow and make forever memories.

  • New Home Congratulations
  • Housewarming Wishes
  • Blessings and Prayers for a New Home
  • Compliments on the New Place
  • Congrats on Your First Home
  • First Home as a Couple
  • New Home with Blended Family
  • New Home Humor
  • New Home After Hardship

New Home Congratulations

A simple "congratulations on your new home" is a good way to go. You can keep it that short and sweet…or add a little something extra to it.


  • "Congrats on your new home! So very happy for you!"
  • "Congratulations on your new home, sweet home!"
  • "I just love seeing a dream come true. Congratulations on your new place."
  • "Warmest congratulations on your new home. I have a feeling this is going to be a wonderful place for the whole family."
  • "Loved seeing the pictures of your new house! Can't wait to see it in person. Congratulations!"
  • "Extending heartfelt congratulations as you settle in to your new house…and looking forward to seeing you make it home."
  • "Your new home is just perfect! Congratulations on finding just the right place to live in, laugh in and grow as a family."
  • "So thrilled to be celebrating your new home with you. Congratulations!"

Helpful tip: Need some other words for "home" to keep things interesting? Try one of these: place, space, nest, pad, digs, dwelling, lair, crib, address, abode, shelter, haven, residence, casa, domicile, habitat, headquarters, HQ, home base, base of operations.

Housewarming Wishes

An upbeat wish for the new home is great on its own or in combination with a "congratulations." It could be a wish for the near future (unpacking, getting settled) or for years down the road (making memories, growing as a family).


  • "Best wishes as you settle in to your new place! I hope you have fun making it all yours."
  • "Sharing in your excitement over your new house and wishing you much happiness as you get settled in."
  • "Congrats on the new apartment! I hope you're already feeling right at home."
  • "Sending warmest wishes for your new home. May it always be filled with laughter and love."
  • "Wishing your family all the best as you make your new house a home."
  • "Hoping your new home will always be a respite and a haven in the midst of a busy world—a place of warmth and comfort where you can relax, recharge and just enjoy being together."
  • "Here's to your new HQ! May all your present and future operations prosper there!"

Helpful Tip: Here are a few descriptive words that could help warm up your wishes for a new home: cozy, happy, safe, comfortable, comfy, secure, sheltering, warm, welcoming, relaxing, renewing, peaceful.

Blessings and Prayers for a New Home

There really is something sacred about home. No wonder it feels so natural for many of us to either bless or pray over a friend's or family member's new place.


  • "May your new house be blessed with warmth, love and togetherness."
  • "Praying your new home will be a blessing to your family."
  • "Moving in to a new home is such an exciting time! I pray that the process goes smoothly for you and that the joy of finally being there outweighs any stress or worries."
  • "Bless your family's new home. May its walls always shelter you. May its warmth always comfort you. May its rooms fill up with happy memories year after year."
  • "Praying a special blessing of peace and protection over your beautiful new home."
  • "God bless your family as you settle in to your new home and through all the years you share there."

Helpful Tip: Central faith texts like the Bible, the Torah and the Quran definitely have some things to say about home. If you have a favorite home-related passage, consider including it with your housewarming message.

Compliments on the New Place

A housewarming card can also be an opportunity to compliment your recipient, either for choosing a great home or for their patience and hard work saving for it.


  • "Your new house is just beautiful. Congratulations!"
  • "You've worked for this home for a long time. Here's to making your dream come true. You deserve it!"
  • "Your new home is such a perfect reflection of you. I love the way you've already made it all your own."
  • "Love your new place! I see you being so happy here, and that makes me happy, too!"
  • "You've really turned your new place into something amazing! Congratulations on bringing your vision for it to life!"
  • "Your patience in waiting for the right time and the right house has really paid off. Congrats on finding the perfect home for your family to grow in!"
  • "Your new pad is fantastic! You really have great taste!"

Helpful Tip: Even if the new home is a bit of a fixer-upper, you could still compliment your recipient for being a smart homebuyer and seeing the home's potential.

Congrats on Your First Home

A first home is a pretty big deal. If that's the case for your recipient, you should give it a special mention in your message.


  • "I just couldn't be happier for you as you get settled in to your very first home."
  • "Wishing you every happiness in your first house!"
  • "Congratulations on buying your first house! It looks like it's going to be a wonderful place to get started."
  • "Moving in to your first home is so special. May this be a joyful time that you'll always remember fondly."
  • "Celebrating your first home along with you!"
  • "Bye-bye, renting…Hello, home ownership! Congratulations on your first house!"
  • "Congratulations on your first home! It took a lot of hard work to make it happen, but you did it!"

Helpful Tip: If you have a fond or funny memory of moving in to your first home, consider sharing it in your message.

First Home as a Couple

You may want to make a special mention when it's a couple's first home together. Even if one or both have already established homes individually, it's a noteworthy occasion when they move in to a new home that will be theirs as a couple.


  • "So happy you found such a great place to share. Congratulations on your first home as a couple!"
  • "Best wishes as you join households and make a happy new home together."
  • "Wishing you much happiness in your first house together!"
  • "May your first home together be a place where you can grow in love and happiness and nurture the dreams you share."
  • "From his place and her place to our place…Congratulations to you both on your new home!"
  • "May your new shared address be truly blessed."
  • "Congratulations on your first home together. Wishing many happy shared years there!"

Helpful Tip: Couples who are older, remarried or unmarried tend to be a little forgotten when it comes to housewarming wishes. The fact that you remembered and took a moment to write a few lines will mean a lot.

New Home with Blended Family

There's both joy and stress involved when it's not only separate households blending into one, but kids and other family, too. You can use your housewarming message to congratulate the family on their new home and to wish them a smooth transition together.


  • "Congratulations on joining households and bringing your family together in your new home. May it be a very happy place for all of you!"
  • "I imagine it's probably a little chaotic adjusting to a new house and a new family dynamic at the same time, but I hope the joy of being there together outweighs any stress."
  • "Wishing your beautiful, boisterous blended family every happiness in your new home!"
  • "Blending families is never simple, but I hope the added space and new location will help the process along. Best wishes to all of you!"
  • "So happy you've found the perfect place to share and grow closer as a brand-new family!"
  • "Congratulations on your new home! I hope y'all will be even happier than the Brady Bunch!"

Helpful Tip: A few ways to address your wishes to a whole family (blended or otherwise):
Dear Smith Family,
Dear Peter, Amy and family,
Dear Peter, Amy & kids,
Dear Peter, Amy, Tate, Zach and Fiona,

New Home Humor

If you know your recipient enjoys a touch of humor, then it's okay to joke around a little with your housewarming message.


  • "Your new house is so great. When can I move in?"
  • "Congrats on your new home! And remember—there's no time limit on unpacking. Sometimes it takes a month or twelve."
  • "Your new home is simply gorgeous. (And I'm mildly jealous!)"
  • "Finally, a place that will fit your vinyl collection! Best wishes for your new home/listening station."
  • "Yay! You're in your new home at last! And just think—you only had to sign your name like 6700 times to make it happen."
  • "Wow! Your first house is a lot fancier than mine was. You've got flushing toilets and everything. Nice!"
  • "I'm so glad you didn't go with the yurt. Congratulations on your excellent home choice!"

Helpful Tip: When it comes to humor, keep it good-natured and not mean-spirited. You don't want to write anything that would make them feel bad about themselves or their new place.

New Home After Hardship

Sometimes a move to a new home is the result of difficult circumstances, such as divorce, job loss, the death of a spouse or the need downsize to a smaller or more accessible space. In those instances, you can write a message that acknowledges the difficulty while also offering hope for brighter days ahead in the new place.


  • "Congratulations on your new home! I hope it will be a great place to make a fresh start."
  • "Sending good thoughts your way as you get settled in your new place. I know it may take some time, but I'm wishing you every happiness there."
  • "Congratulations on finding a more accessible place to call home. I hope you'll be so happy there—and a lot more comfortable, too."
  • "This must be a tough time to make a move, but I think you made a great choice. Best wishes to you in your new home."
  • "Wishing you simpler, happier days ahead in your new home!"
  • "Here's to your new home—may it be a welcome change of scene and a place where you can heal, move forward and be happy."
  • "It might be hard to think of it as home at first—especially without Tom there to share it with you. But I hope that time brings healing and a feeling of belonging in your new place."

Warm Closings

A warm closing before your signature adds a nice finishing touch. Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.


  • Congrats,
  • Congratulations,
  • Warmly,
  • Best wishes,
  • Warmest wishes,
  • Love,
  • With love,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Much love to you,
  • All my/our love,
  • Love you,
  • Love and prayers,
  • Best,
  • All the best,
  • Wishing you all the best,
  • Blessings,
  • God bless,
  • Overjoyed,
  • Wishing you every blessing,
  • Sincerely,

Helpful Tip: Often a person moving to a new place following a divorce or other hardship will be forced to make the move in a hurry. In those instances, offers of help with lifting heavy stuff, settling in or watching kids are sure to be appreciated. Just be sure to follow through on any offer you make.

  • Tags:
  • Greeting Card Messages and Ideas

What to Write in a Card for Baby Arrival


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